Timeone group
CSR charter

Corporate Social
and Environmental
Responsibility Charter
In order to meet the environmental, societal and ethical issues that have become paramount in our society, TimeOne is committed to a Corporate Social Responsibility approach. A working group has been set up, the results have been shared and brought together in the form of a Charter of Social and Environmental Responsibility.
The Charter is based on four key themes: (i) collaborators, (ii) clients and providers, (iii) innovations and supports, and (iv) environment. For each of these pillars, TimeOne adopts a respectful and responsible behavior whose main objectives are to maintain a relationship of trust between all societal actors as well as to leave a rich legacy for the future generations by acting as much for the whole society as for the environment.
TimeOne longs to be attentive in the choice of its partnerships and strongly invites its collaborators, providers and partners to take knowledge and to apply this Charter in order to share the integrity of its values and to encourage this approach to everyone.
Thus, an article is dedicated to the present Charter in the General Conditions of Affiliation in order to encourage the affiliates to adhere to this text and to gather the best efforts to respect and implement all the principles that are exposed in it.


clients and providers


TimeOne considers diversity as a real asset, an essential contribution that must be respected, developed and promoted. This vision is reflected in the willpower to promote equal opportunities and respect. This commitment applies at every level and at every moment, whether it be hiring, advancement, training, or the professional promotion of employees.
In this regard, TimeOne is a partner and supports Axielles.com, including the Women in Business area.
This Charter reconfirms this commitment to non-discrimination in the employment field and the promotion of diversity.
Responsible social policy and employee well-being
TimeOne strives to contribute to the personal development of its employees, the company ensures compliance with the Labor Code and is attentive to ensuring that national and international social standards are respected by its partners, suppliers and subcontractors.
Thus, employees benefit from many advantages such as : restaurant vouchers, mutual insurance and pension insurance, public transport reimbursement, ergonomic workstation, etc.
TimeOne cares about the working conditions of its employees and allows them as much to develop and decorate their open space as participating in various events throughout the year. The purpose of these is to organize team-building to promote group cohesion.
Thus, sporting events are regularly organized (football tournaments, races), but also cultural events (film projection, board games parties, karaoke, etc.).
Providers and Clients
Ethics and providers
In order to achieve the objectives set by the Charter, an article of the General Conditions of Affiliation allows TimeOne to make the necessary commitments with the partners.
TimeOne formalizes the ethical principles it wishes to apply and therefore carefully chooses its providers by ensuring that they implement the necessary means to comply with these principles.
The company also has an Ethics Charter, which is also available at any time on the group’s website.
TimeOne is committed to providing high quality solutions that meet the demands of its customers in order to maintain long-term relationship of trust while describing the level of demand expected of each.
Fight against corruption
To ensure the sustainability of relationships with its partners, collaborators, providers and clients, TimeOne takes all necessary measures to fight against corruption.
In this regard, any contract contains provisions to ensure that TimeOne has healthy relationships with each of its partners.
Innovations and support
To be inspired by progress in various areas, combining them with each other and providing unique Marketing Services are the company’s mechanisms.
A research and development committee has been created and numerous partnerships have been set up, notably with Centrale Paris, Paris Saclay University and the Industrial Engineering Laboratory.
TimeOne also supports the Jane Goodall Institute which is doing great things for the protection of species and ecosystems in more than 150 countries, helping humans and animals to live better together while protecting nature.
Developing solutions that help reduce the environmental footprint, control and limit the impact of settlements on the environment are daily issues and challenges.
TimeOne thus promotes the sorting, recycling and recovery of waste within its agency by providing employees with sorting bins and trash cans, recycled cups, and a can crusher. A printing rationalization policy is also in place as well as a collection of cartridges and toners.
The digital surplus is entrusted to a recycling chain association by the mean of “green boxes” and a Green IT policy has been introduced (turning off screens and computers at the end of the day, Google and Skype black themes, etc.).
TimeOne is annually evaluated by an organization (the Reporting 21 company) in order to maintain an excellence level on its commitments in a sustainable way.
CSR at TimeOne Group is always:

A specific workgroup on this topic

A contractual commitment for our suppliers on CSR issues

A “Green IT” politic to challenge our host providers on their electricity consumption

Engaged gifts
for our clients
The locations are selected in order to preserve bees from pollution and harmful treatments. All this, for a raw honey with special flavours.
An ethical and
TimeOne Group supports the Jane Goodall Institute. This global organization protects chimpanzees by encouraging people to act for the natural world preservation. Its goal is to improve the lives of people, animals and the environment through actions in four major areas: Research, Conservation, Development and Education.